Sifu Alex's Monthly Online Theory Class
For the first time ever, Sifu Alex is opening his Online Theory Class to the public. Before now, Sifu Alex Richter's Theory Seminars were only available to members of the CWTAA! Each class is 90 minutes long, on a unique topic. Anyone attending the Live Sessions will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the discussion! Subscribe to the series to gain access to any of the Live classes as well as receive all the recorded sessions.
Or, you can purchase attendance to an individual live session or access to an individual recorded session below.
Subscribe to the series
Subscribe to Sifu Alex's monthly Theory Class and gain lifetime access to the recorded sessions for the discounted price of just $12.99 per month.
As a bonus, you will also gain access to attend any of the live sessions for free!

Monthly LIVE Theory Class & Q&A with Sifu Alex Richter
Purchase access to the dates you weren't able to attend by clicking below and adding them to your cart. Alternately, gain access to all of the sessions by subscribing to the series above.
Purchase Individual Access to Recorded Theory Class Sessions

LIVE Theory & Q&A w/Sifu Alex Richter #24 "Timing"
Online Theory Class #24
Live Theory Class #24 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 72 minutes;
Recording Date: Jun. 4th 2022
Main topic - Timing in Wing Tsun!
Other Topics:
Biu Tze Striking Mechanics
The KFG's Anti-Trapping Techniques
Fitness Motivation in Wing Tsun
Timing in the Wooden Dummy
Timing vs. Grappling
Themes of the Wooden Dummy Sets
Solo Timing Practice
Legal Justifications for Self-Defense
Weapons Defense?
And much, much more!

LIVE Theory and Q&A Class #22 w/Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #22
Live Theory Class #22 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 68 minutes;
Recording Date: Apr. 2nd 2022
-Chi Sau Clinic
-Curved Attacks Negate Chi Sau?
-Dropping Wu Sau Problem
-Clinging w/Fook Sau
-Rattan Ring?
-Noon Line vs. Center Line?
-Favorite Chi Sau Attacks
-Angling in Chi Sau
-Other Arts w/Chi Sau-like Drills?
-Training Chi Sau w/o Partner?
-Sifu Leung Ting's Office Chair Demo Explained
-Chi Sau w/the Wooden Dummy?
-Chum Kiu Book 3rd Edition - Different?
-When is Wing Chun 101 Coming Out?
-Much more!

LIVE Theory and Q & A w/Sifu Alex Richter #20
Online Theory Class #20
Live Theory Class #20 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 65 minutes;
Recording Date: Feb. 5th 2022
-Chain-Kicking in WT
-The Ghost Hand?
-Wing Tsun Footwear
-Dummy Drills
-Solo Kicking Drills
-Experiences with other Leung Ting Seniors
-Much more!

Theory Class #16 with Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #16
Live Theory Class #16 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 75 min; Recording
Date October 2nd, 2021
Recorded live over Zoom with participants from around the world.
Sifu Alex Richter is now conducting monthly live theory Q&A classes over Zoom. To participate in the next live class, please visit to reserve a spot. In this 75-minute class Sifu Alex covered the following topics:
-Bruce Lee's Wing Chun modifications
-Backfist origins?
-Weight distribution in the WT stance
-Themes of the seven sections of Chi Sau
-Snake & Crane Origins
-Biu Tze Elbow - Pai Jaang
-Fist and Palm
-Noon, Horizontal and Center Lines
-The Wooden Dummy's place in WT
-Gate Theory
-Power training in Wing Chun
-WT Knife Tactics

Theory Q&A #14 with Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #14
Live Theory Class #14 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 60 minutes; Recording
Date: July 31st, 2021
Recorded live over Zoom with participants from around the world.
In this nearly 65-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
- Training Biu Tze
-How Long Did People Train with Bruce?
-Kung Fu on a Continuum
-Jiu Wan Wing Chun
- Resources on Yip Man Students
-Yip Man Before He Was Famous

Theory Q&A Class #12 w/Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #12
Live Theory Class #12 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 65 minutes; Recording
Date: June 5th, 2021
In this nearly 65-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
-Characteristics of WT Kicks
-Kicking in Timing 2?
-Structure Issues?
-Differences in Wooden Dummy Kicks
-Best Hong Kong Films
-Plum Flower Step in Defense
-Hip/Stance Coordination in Turning
-Wooden Dummy Book Coming

LIVE Theory and Q&A #23 w/Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #23
Live Theory Class #23 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 65 minutes;
Recording Date: May 7th 2022
-Applying Chi Sau
-Chi Sau Sections 4 & 5
- Using Rear-Weighted Stance
- Analysis Paralysis
- Sparring Entries
- Biu Tze's Saam Baai Tze
- Long Arm Problems Solved
- Morning Chi Gung Routine
- Health SNT
- And much more!

Theory and Q&A #21 w/Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #21
Live Theory Class #21 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 72 minutes;
Recording Date: Mar. 5th 2022
-Non-Punching Strikes in WT
-Iron Palm Training
-Training Non-Punching Strikes
-Dit Da Jau
-Pre-Hab and Overuse injuries
-Pek Da
-Next HK Trip with CWT
-Combos in WT?
-Dealing with Shoulder Injuries
-How to Train the Shoulders
-and much more!

Theory and Q&A #17 w/Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #17
Live Theory Class #17 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 75 minutes;
Recording Date: Nov. 6th 2021
Cardio in Wing Tsun
Punching Endurance
Siu Nim Tau Hidden Meanings
Overlooked Aspects of Form
And much more!

Theory Q&A #15 with Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #15
In this nearly 71-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
- Proper Wall-Bag Training
- Knuckle Alignment
- Distance to Wall-Bag
- Hand Conditioning
- Inch Punch is Overrated
- How Tight Should the Fist Be?
- Mixing Other Kung Fu Styles with WT
- The Long Pole "Punch"
- Avoiding Cutting Yourself w/WT Knives

Theory Q&A #13 with Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #13
Live Theory Class #13 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 72 minutes; Recording
Date: July 3rd, 2021
Recorded live over Zoom with participants from around the world.
In this nearly 65-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
- Standardized Teaching Program
- Red Packets & Dated Enrollment Models
- Different Bong Sau in Chum Kiu
- Pivoting
- Relaxation in Form & Fighting
- Elbow/Knee Strikes Compared to Muay Thai
- Wall-Bag Training
- Long Bridge Power
- Jack Dempsey- Reasons to do WT?
- Addressing Current Reputation

Theory Q&A Class #11 | Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #11
Live Theory Class #11 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 78 minutes; Recording
Date: May 8th, 2021
In this nearly 80-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
-Lessons from Chan Chee Man Interview
-The Wedge in WT
-What is “trapping”?
-The Tripodal Dummy
-Why are the Weapons Taught So Late?
-Yip Man’s Fountain Pen
-Sparring Best Practices
-Others Walk the Bow…
-Beginner Fundamentals
-The Middle Path
-Opinion on Other Sifu
-The Final Master Returns (Inside Joke)

Theory Q&A #10 | Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #10
Live Theory Class #10 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 90 minutes; Recording
Date: April 10th, 2021
In this nearly 90-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
-Dai Bong Sau in Chum Kiu
-Common injuries in Wing Tsun
-Daai Che Leun Sau Details
-The Baai Si Ceremony
-Yo-Yo Style Chi Sau
-Man Sau from Wooden Dummy
-Set 8 Dummy Kicks
-Back Moving Knife Steps
-Size & Weight of WT Weapons
-Body Mechanics of Kicks
-Daap Bou Stepping Bong Sau
-Chi Geuk Development
-Strength Training Program
-Eight Attacks from Poon Sau

LIVE Theory and Q&A #9 | Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #9
In this monthly theory and Q&A class from March 2021, Sifu Alex Richter discusses the fundamental mottoes (sam faat, theories) of the Wing Tsun system. In one hour and fifteen minutes, Sifu Alex also discusses the following:
-Loi Lau Heui Sung, Lat Sau Jik Chung
-Heavy Bag Training Protocols
-Controlled Force
-Jeui Ying Bat Jeui Sau
-Lin Siu Dai Da
-His time training at Langenzell Castle
-Yip Man photos and the negatives
-Borrowing force in sparring
-Prioritizing training protocols
-Pelvis rotation misconceptions
-Using elbows to stop punches
-Heavy Bag vs. the Wall Bag
-Stories and hearsays of Yip Man
-Motivation vs. Discipline
Approx. 75 minutes.

Live Monthly Theory Class #8 | Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #8
Live Theory Class #8 with Sifu Alex Richter
Approx. 80 minutes; Recording
Date: Feb. 6th, 2021
Recorded live over Zoom with participants from around the world.
In this nearly 90-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
-Problems with Chinese MA History
-Possible Development of the WT Knife Techniques
-Did GM Yip Man learn "Weng Chun"?
-The Final Master
-The Tripodal Dummy
-The 5-Dot Step & Plum Flower Step

Live Monthly Theory Class #7: Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #7
Long Pole Speciall!
Theory and Q&A - January 2nd, 2021
• Luk Dim Boon Gwan Origins
• The YouTube video that made me think twice
• Is Luk Dim Boon Gwan "pure Wing Tsun"?
• Difference between LDBG & Shaolin Pole
• How to tell if someone is a "pole hack"
• Why should we still train the weapons?
Also: Debunking the "weapons applications" in fist-fighting vs. whether WT is a weapons style modified for unarmed or vice versa.
Other Topics:
• Chum Kiu "feet together step" - why?
• Height of the Wooden Dummy
• Animal styles & WT
Approx. 96 minutes

Live Monthly Theory Class #5: Sifu Alex Richter | Wooden Dummy Focus
Online Theory Class #5
Wooden Dummy Special!
Theory and Q&A - Nov. 7th 2020
• Clacking Away on the Dummy?
• Hand Chasing?
• Zen Saying “The Real Face is Faceless”
• Speed Dummy – Cringe!
• Free Standing Dummies? Octopus Dummies?
• Spring Frame vs. Slat Frame Dummies
Other Topics:
• Mindset Tips
• Heavybag Training
• Sparring Training
• Wrong Bong?
• Footwork and Other Kung Fu
Approx. time 88 minutes

Live Monthly Theory Class #6: Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #6
Bruce Lee 80th Birthday Speciall!
Theory and Q&A - December 5th, 2020
• How good was Bruce Lee's Chi Sau?
• Ask better questions!
• Avoiding hindsight bias
• The Backfist revisited
• Simple vs. Simplistic
• How long did Bruce Lee learn WC?
• Bruce Lee performing Poon Sau
• Lack of close-up mobility
• Secret Bruce Lee footage?
Training and Working Out
• General workout advice
• Full body vs. Bro Splits
• Follow Coach Greg Doucette on YouTube!
• Adding novelty to training
• Adding Bruce Lee stuff to training
• The problem of calisthenics
Other Topics:
• Bareknuckle boxing
• Old style vs. new style guards
• Brief analysis of Tyson vs. Jones
• Is Ip Man the new Wong Fei Hung?
• Upcoming book projects
• Dummy sections 1&2?
• Phases of martial arts development
Approx. 87 minutes

Live Monthly Theory Class #4: Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #4
Yip Man Knife Techniques
Theory and Q&A - Oct. 3rd, 2020.
Recorded live over Zoom with participants from around the world.
Sifu Alex Richter is now conducting monthly live theory Q&A classes over Zoom. This video is a recording of the thired class. To participate in the next live class, please visit to reserve a spot. In this nearly 90-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
Why footwork was traditionally a "secret"
The 1950s vs. 1970s knife form
Who created the knife form?
Phase 1 & 2 development
Dealing with pressing attackers
Gwan or Kwan Sau?
And more!
Approx. 80 minutes

Live Monthly Theory Class #3: Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #3
All About Wing Tsun Kicks
Theory and Q&A - Sep. 5th, 2020
Characteristics of Wing Tsun Kicks
Rear leg "oblique kick"
Weight distribution in the stance
Futility of blocking at close range
Old school leg-pulling drill
Kick Training Tips
Zig zag step?
Dragon coming out of the lake punch?
And more!
Approx. 75 minutes

Live Monthly Theory Class #2: Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #2
This video is a recording of the second class in Sifu Alex's Theory Class Series recorded on August 1st, 2020. In this 90-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
Swimmer's Body Fallacy & Labels in WT
TIMING One Problems
Cross Step & Kick in the DUMMY - Why?
The RATTAN RING in WT - How useless is it?
Elbow NOT MOVING Clarification
The PAAK SAU with Knee Stamping KICK
ADDING the Right SLANT Kick to CK?
How to ADD NOVELTY to Things We Do Everyday
Adding FIGHT Context to FORMS: A Big Problem
And more!

Live Monthly Theory Class #1: Sifu Alex Richter
Online Theory Class #1
This video is a recording of the first class in Sifu Alex's Theory Class Series recorded on July 11th, 2020. In this 90-minute class Sifu Alex Richter covered the following topics:
The differences between PRINCIPLES and CONCEPTS in Wing Tsun
What TECHNIQUES mean in a principle-based martial art
How are the European and Chinese FORMULATIONS of the PRINCIPLES different?
KICKING and FOOTWORK in Hong Kong Wing Tsun
3 MAIN REASONS for the rear-weighted Wing Tsun stance
What is “YAP MA BOU FAAT”?
What to pay attention to when hitting the WALL-BAG
Elbow Moving/Not Moving MOTTO confusion explained
GWO SAU and LAT SAU - what are they?
Chi Sau “SECTIONS” in Hong Kong
Wing Tsun IN THE RING? Streetboxing?
Big Wheeling Arms in BIU TZE
And more!